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Jessica Reyes Rodriguez has made a name for herself as the fashion designer of her eco-fashion label “Queen and Princess”, and humorous entertainer of her Tea & Fashion Parties. At these events, she presents ecologically sustainable fashion, accompanied by high-quality tea and self-made delicacies. After countless requests for recipes, the logical next step for her was to make a cookbook.
In the Tea & Fashion Bakery Book, Jessica Reyes Rodriguez connects her three passions: recommending the most appropriate tea for each recipe, giving fashion tips, and alongside this, offering up snippets of information straight from the sewing box. Not only styling tips are offered, but also background knowledge about, for example, how the teabag was invented. The cooking book is available at her Tea & Fashion Parties, or by enquiring directly through her fashion label.
The cookbook captivates through its photos, which already make your mouth water when you begin flipping through it. The layout is broken up with a magazine-style design, tenderly made small drawings and quotes, with a great deal of attention to detail. The fashion themes are illustrated by Anja Karboul. We put together and realised the design concept in close dialogue with Jessica Reyes Rodriguez, also taking care of the production process.